Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Dinner by ViN&Ru

Aloha.. hope everybady enjoy ur valentines.. i myself enjoyed a lot. as we all know, today most of the restaurants will be very crowded and most probably fully booked too.. so to avoid the crowd, we chose to spend our valentines dinner by cooking some easy dish at home.
our dinner was made in an hr time. and the dish prepared were spaghetti bacon&mushroom aglio olio, pan fried old english sausage & bacon with potato mushroom gravy. dont get cheated by da name as they are so long and complicated.. actually both dishes are quite simple to prepare..

Firstly we prepared the minced garlic and sliced the bacon... After that we cooked the spaghetti and potato mushroom gravy (this one is in instant pack but the taste is really not bad, forgot to take photo of the pack lol)...

Finished all the preparation and start to cook and fry la... I shall skip the steps because it's just so simple! hmm, maybe just a little tips on how to cooking the nice aglio olio
1. Pan fry the bacon.

2. Heat olive oil in a sauce pan, add garlic and chili flakes, saute the garlic until it changed to golden brown color

3. Add the mushroom and bacon, stir it for a while then add in the spaghetti

4. Season with garlic salt and sea salt, we did put some oregano leaves

5. Serve when the ingredients and seasoning are mixed evenly

Here were the outcomes of our efforts, hiak hiak

Potato Mushroom Gravy

Pan fried old english sausage & bacon

Aglio Olio

Vin & Ru wishing everyone has a great Valentine Day with your loved ones. For those who are single one, wishing you to get your Mr/Miss right soon :)

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