Monday, April 20, 2009

Won 4D!!!

As previously stated in the Penang trip blog, during the time we are driving from PG to KL, met with some small accident. Due to it, Me, Hwa and Leong, each forked out RM33.33 to buy ibox for the number 603X. As there are 4 person in the car, we bought the number 6034. Think from the other aspect, the car crashed through 1 plastic like thing, so the number 6031 was also bought. We bought the numbers from 3 of the 4D sellers for 3 consequtive openings.

What do ya think? We won a few million? yeah we won, but only a few ringgit!!! opened at the last opening and in the consolation category...aih...wih this few ringgit wat can i do?hmm..maybe as wat hwa said, we already can buy a lot of sweets with it...kakaka

But at least i can tell people i won b4..hahaha..


Unknown said...

wat a greatful...

To tell you wat, my luck is better than you, i used to won 2 times runner up and numerous special/consolation prizes... SOund great right but all returned back after few years donations in lottery... wat's a shame..

NOw I no longer into 4D, i set my goal to more higher level and that is Big Sweep lar~~ Kakaka.... My appetite getting bigger and more greedy liao..... no hope no hope..

KeViN said...

my luck is always bad de matter wat. maybe this time kena is bcause hwa or leong got luck..haha...
in singapore by toto then hoho..."da pai kiok mm sai yao"